Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tempus Fugit

Time passes, whether we want it to or not. Here in Blackburne it almost seems compressed in some strange way. Familiar faces depart, to be replaced by new ones. Feels like everything is always in some state of flux… even for me, that’s somewhat stressful. Seems like Immi is getting hitched. I’m happy for her, but I hope it doesn’t take her away from here. She’s always fun to have around, and commuting between here and Hale’s isn’t exactly the most convenient or safest journey in the world.

Haven’t been so well of late, and it’s been a drag. I’ve been leavin’ the bar early, as I’m just falling asleep. I hate this, but things can always be worse. A couple of the girls here have promised to pray for me, and all I can say is that I’m touched. I’ve not always been a prayin’ kind of guy, though the expression there ain’t no atheists in foxholes is, I can tell you first hand, true. Notwithstanding, I’ve often felt there’s a spiritual side of life – a side that we really don’t have such a good handle on. I liked it when the Shepherd was around; haven’t seen him for a long time. Reckon we could do with more of him about

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