Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome to Nothing-New

Looking at the date on my last entry, I can’t believe how much time has passed. It seems like both the blink of an eye and an eternity. And so much has changed… but nothing of consequence. Life in Blackburne goes on, and folks come and go. But at its core, we’re pretty much where we were last time. Scratching out a living on a rim moon instead of enjoying the bounty of the core worlds. How the heck did life wash me up here? Local politics aren't exactly eash either... Alliance nipping at our heels, and Reavers nipping at anything they can get their no-good teeth at. Some life.

x0’s been in and out of town. Everyone was telling me she was dead, but I knew she wasn’t. She’s back. But not, at the same time. I realize that’s a theme to my thoughts, but hey, it is very much what it is. She’s hanging about with some idiot called Mindo. They seem close. Fine.

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